So without my contemporary craftsperson hat on for this entry, I am embarking on a new MOOC with the University of Wollongong for my freelance press officer role and hope to explore PODCASTS as a new means to promote what goes on at the Williamson Art Gallery & Museum and Birkenhead Priory which will hopefully be engaging in a different way to print media or direct emailing.
It is interesting when one posts online, one takes a certain VOICE and form of writing to give the venue a personality. All fine but when I go on radio or TV it is clear I "not be from round here" being a Scot relocated in Wirral. Will this be an issue? I know that on local radio there is a preference for a regional accent from the presenters but does this extend to guest spots? Will my enthusiasm and passion for my subject be enough to stop the confusion? Not concerned about having enough to say as that is one of the reasons I want to podcast - we have so much going on and in emails one tends to mention three things per e-newsletter, can I mention more?
Watch this space...