With These Hands visit to Bidston Dump

    • Making a little break with tradition, we are having a tour of Bidston Recycling centre to see the sorting of paper, plastic and metal. This is in the lead up to our recycling exhibition at Birkenhead Visitors Centre in July.
      Tuesday, 20 March 2012
    • 10:00 until 11:00 (now fully booked)
      11:00 until noon (12 places - 2 taken)

  • Bidston Recycling Park, Wallasey Bridge Road CH41 1EB

  • With These Hands tour Bidston Recycling Park

    Bidston Recycling Park, Wallasey Bridge Road CH41 1EB
    A tour of the recycling facility first 15 please to sign up, then can run another one from 11 til 12 if there is enough interest. I have been on a tour previously and found it enlighting! Find out why the plastic bottles need their lids left on, what is sorted manually and what by machine...lots of opportunity for photos
