With These Hands At Home Cafe

    • When
      Friday, 13 January 2012
    • Time
      10:00am until 12:00 noon

      Venue is Home Cafe at the Woodside Ferry terminal (not the Oxton Branch) and we will be sitting upstairs. Come and meet like minded artistic folks who either live or work in the Wirral and hear about current projects. Feel free to bring examples of current work (a few not lots) and business cards etc. Be prepared to say a few words about yourself or let me know you would prefer me to introduce you as we have a round table introduction for everyone who attends. We then go into more detail of any current projects that others can get involved with. So whether you are just starting out, a student or a life-long learner.

      Please ensure you pay for your own refreshments as I have had to pick up the tab a few times now this is not part of the deal!

  • Venue location: 
    Woodside Ferry Approach, 
    Woodside Ferry Terminal, 
    CH41 6DU 
    Tel: (0151) 330 1475


AlikiBags said…
How disappointing - not only do I think I would not qualify, living in Formby, the date also falls on my 'grandma weekend' !
Hoping to read a blog about all the exciting goings on afterwards !?
Have fun !
Kiki x