Next With These Hands meeting and discussion about Empty Shop Fund on August 28, 2011 "alison bailey smith" "Art on Wirral -the left bank of the Mersey" "Art" "Empty Shop" "With These Hands" abscraft Birkenhead +
Wirral Open Studio Tour on August 21, 2011 "alison bailey smith" "Fiona Hardman" "Hoylake Village" "Oxton Art Fair" "Sian Bailey" "Wirral Open Studio Tour" "Xitina Ferres" abscraft +
2nd post in one day - I am either busy or bored! on August 12, 2011 "alison bailey smith" "eco fashion" "Metal Millinery" "stephen jones" abscraft Green hats peacock feathers +
Have a flutter on August 12, 2011 "alison bailey smith" "Art and Design in the City" "electrical wire" "" "stephen jones" abscraft handmade hats Millinery +