Drawings from the kids

The rubbish that will become the Time Machine

Talking while creating

Get the hang of the proggy, hooky techniques

In preparation
I am teaching this week at the Williamson Art Gallery as part of a series of workshops called "What is possible?" A hard title to quantify because really anything is possible and nothing is possible and all points in between depending on how you look at life. So in the morning we are creating a time machine (not working) a la H.G Wells' book but based on the visual imsge from the old film. So my old picnic table, cafetiere, wire reels, CD rack, old chair given to my by a friend of friend, old cot mattress, pallet (from freecycle), black hardboard circle (from my degree show in 1989) will be transformed into a thing of beauty with lots of drawings of the children aged 8 to 15 as they are now, as they will be next year and as they will be in 10 years.
In the afternoon, I am teaching older people how to rag rug to create a wall hanging from donated clothes and fabric for Wirral Methodist Housing who are the joint funders of this project with the Friends of the Williamson, we have been donated clothes with tags including a wedding dress from 1967, ties from the Sydney Olympics etc.