MJMAN would like to invite you to take a break from High Street shopping and visit the "Old Barber Shop" for a cut above the rest!
Sparkle 08
The Mersey Jewellers and Metal Artists Network, annual exhibition of work will be held this year at the "Old Barber Shop" on School Lane, to the side of the Bluecoat, in the centre of Liverpool.
With a selected exhibition of over 10 jewellers working in a variety styles, from precious metals with stones, to jewellery made from recycled stamps, there will be something for everyone !
The members who will be showing are:
Anthony Wong, Liz Gatley, Faye Miller, Ruth Ball, Alan Phillips, Emma Farnworth, Lisa Waldman, Dot Rowe, Alison Bailey Smith, Barry Swerdlow, Lisa Murray, Judith Brown, Linda Jones.
Alongside the main group members, MJMAN have invited selected artist /craftspeople, namely Nick Jones (wall paintings), Simon Shaw (ceramics), Pauline Hughes (ceramics), Rachael Howard (ties) and additionally there will be a display of fantastic flowers by the florist "Osmosis".
It would be great to see you at one of the opening times !
Thursday December 4th from 5pm till 8pm
Saturday 6th December from 10-30 till 5.30pm
Sunday 7th December 10.30 till 5.30pm
Thursday 11th December 5pm till 8pm
Saturday 13th December 10.30 till 5.30pm
Sunday 14th December 10.30 till 5.30pm
On the second weekend there is also a linked event held at Central Village on Bold Street ,"The Winter Exhibition", hosted by one of the MJMAN members Liza Waldman please click here for details http://www.lwsilver.com/winter_exhibition.html
Also, there will also be lots of activities going on in the Bluecoat ! - check their website http://www.thebluecoat.org.uk/ for details.
& for more MJMAN information and members pages please click on the link to visit www.mjman.co.uk - Thank You.
Very Best Regards
from the MJMAN team.
Alison Bailey Smith
Thursday evening and next weekend on Saturday and Sunday.
Lovely show with a real mix of work including paintings by Nick Jones, ties and hankies by Rachael Howard, Paintings by jeweller Anthony Wong as well as his jewellery, Baubles, bags and jewellery by me, enamel panels by Ruth Ball as well as her new etchings and collages, Dot Rowe's new range of jewellery, Judith Brown's wirewore, Heather Walkinshaw's felt scarves, Simon Shaw's turquoise ceramics, Linda Jones' precious and non-precious ranges of jewellery....... so many to mention.
The entrance is at the side of the Bluecoat Arts Centre to left of the railings into the courtyard on School Lane. Look for the silver and gold balloons.
PS I'll be there Sunday afternoon if you want to say hello