An opportunity: Recycling show Merseyside

The recycling show is open to all Merseyside wide artists, there is no title as yet but playing around with simple ideas like "JUNK!" or "reclaimed", "repurposed".

The exhibition is tying on with a conference being run by Wirral Council, the event is over 3 days, Held at Pacific Road Theatre Starting on Tuesday 22nd March. These are the specific events that will be going on:-

Tuesday 22nd March: 10.30-1530 Environmental Champions.

Wednesday 23rd March: 10.30-1500 Tidy Business Conference.
Wednesday 23rd March: 16.00-1830 School Eco Awards.

Thursday 24th March: 10.30-13.00 Older Peoples Parliament.
Thursday 24th March: 14.00-15.30 Younger Peoples Parliament.


The exhibition will later have a second airing in Birkenhead Park in May

So this leaves it quite open....

The aim was to use my old kitchen as it gets ripped out and hand to local artists to recreate but as the builder has not been settled ripping out has happened but there is plenty already to chose from with doors and drawers already fallen off and junk that I had aimed to recycle myself but not used. Broken plates, mother board, great springs, bubble wrap, stuffing, cork notice boards, the list goes on.

I will be in tomorrow with a number of artists already coming over. I can also carry on making the junk available into Wednesday afternoon 1 til 2.45 and then from about 4pm. Private message me if you are interested and I will give you details of the address to find the treasure!

All works can be for sale, if there will be a commission charged it will be 20% or less...the items are given freely by me to be used in the project..


ABScraft said…
I have Brenda Sharp, Debbie Ryan, Marie Louise Williams, maybe Susan Meyerhoff Sharples, Rob Symington, Janine Pinion, Istra Toner, Micheline Robinson, Angie McCormack, Linda Mark Evans, Liz Monks, Susan Brown, Bernie Howden
and Carolyn Shepherd involved so far.
ABScraft said…
And now Barbara Harrison, Beverly Glover...
ABScraft said…
and Susan Meyerhoff Sharples for the later showing now in July in Birkenhead Park, there will also be an Eco Fashion show as part of the Wednesday schedule.